Thursday, October 23, 2008


As of today I have trained four days in a row... That might not seem significant but it is the most I've trained consecutively in roughly two months. At this point I'm calling it a miracle.

Just last week I seemed to be headed in the wrong direction. Again. I was feeling super rundown and lethargic. I went back to the doctor and had some bloodwork done, expecting the worst. I heard back with results last Friday and found out that I was fighting something but that something was not likely mono... good news.

I took the weekend off and somehow slept well multiple nights in a row, something that hasn't happened for a while. I woke up Monday feeling spectacular, the best I had felt in almost two months. Literally. It was like magic or something. So I headed out for an easy bike ride, really easy, hoping that the magic wouldn't wear off. It didn't.

I lifted weights on Tuesday morning and felt strong after ANOTHER great night of sleep. Amazing. That afternoon I went for a ride and still managed to not feel bad. I rollerskied and rode my bike yesterday and today am planning on rollerskiing twice.

Like all things, I guess it just took time. My body needed rest and finally got enough of it. I am proceeding cautiously and looking forward to getting back on the right track. I have missed out on quite a bit of base training that I feel is absolutely necessary for marathon racing and will be moving towards getting some of those workouts under my belt through November and likely into December. Right now a two and a half hour rollerski feels long, this can't be the case come race time. I've got a feeling that part of that is that I am still a bit underweight but eight weeks of very limited training has certainly taken a toll.

It is nice to finally be able to share positive news about my training. I am headed to Sun Valley this weekend for a quick visit to Crystal's parents house. I'm planning on doing some easy hiking in the Boulder/Sawtooth mountains and probably try to take some pictures while I'm there as well. I'll be sure to post when I return.

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